San Francisco Bay Area Is Newest Liaison Area

At its February meeting, the National Council passed a resolution to make the San Francisco Bay Area the 27th and newest Equity Liaison city. The resolution was made based on recommendations from the PPC and the Western Regional Board.

The San Francisco Bay Area, as it is commonly referred to, joins a vibrant network of Liaison cities. From its original name of BAAC, a new committee will be formed and known as the Bay Area Liaison Committee. At the upcoming membership meeting in April, the current members of BAAC will be officially rolled over onto the Liaison Committee and open seats will be filled through a selection process.

As a result of the San Francisco Bay area's new status Liaison committee members and all qualified members in the area are being encouraged to join any regional and national committee in which they have an interest. This provides the opportunity for members of the San Francisco Bay Area to fully participate in contract committees and provide valuable insight and experience. A new contract committee, called the San Francisco Bay Area Contract/Code Committee, has been formed to hear concession requests for the BAT and MBAT agreements as well as the BAPP. Members in the San Francisco Bay Area can also utilize the newly updated Members Project Code.

Western Regional Director Mary Lou Westerfield expressed her gratitude for the service of all the members who have been on the BAAC over the years, adding, "This is an important new opportunity for the San Francisco Bay Area and exciting that it becomes our 27th Liaison City in Equity's Centennial year."

"We could not be more pleased to have the San Francisco Bay Area join the Area Liaison community," said Flora Stamatiades, National Director, Organizing and Special Projects and Staff to the CALA, "allowing Equity to continue its practice of direct outreach to its local membership."

For more information, check out the San Francisco Bay Area Liaison page on the Equity website, or contact members of the newly formed Liaison Committee or send an email to Bethany Umbach, at