“The Robe ceremony is when the ensemble takes center stage for a few moments. The members of the ensemble are rarely mentioned in reviews and aren't the first people interviewers seek out, but they are a huge part of what makes a big Broadway musical a big Broadway musical. They work really hard, and many have been doing it for a long time. It was such a thrill to hear my name called. I didn't actually know who it was going to be, and I remember thinking that no matter what we had been through during previews (set troubles, an injury), I just wanted everyone to feel the excitement of opening a Broadway show. There is nothing else like it.”
Name: Joseph Medeiros
Show: Groundhog Day
Opening Night: April 17, 2017
Hometown: Modesto, CA
Broadway Debut: Big, 1996
Professional Training: BFA in Musical Theater from CCM. My main places of study in the city have been voice production privately with Scott Miller, and Alba Emoting with Patricia Angelin.
Year Joined Equity: 1995
How I Got My Equity Card: “I was cast as a swing in the original Broadway company of Big when I was eleven years old. And I've had my card ever since!”
Broadway Chorus Credits: 9
Fun Fact: “I am memorizing the books of The Odyssey in the original Greek and creating performance pieces that will take place at different locations around the city.”
Joseph Medeiros circles the stage as the tradition dictates.

Joseph Medeiros poses with Groundhog Day stars Andy Karl and Barrett Doss.
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Watch the video of the ceremony